Category: Market Update

Portland Market Update: Q2, 2020

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the Portland real estate market? Let’s break down the Q2 stats.

Q1 2020: Portland Market Update

The 2020 housing market started out strong but has undergone some changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite that, it’s still a good time to buy or sell in Portland!

Q1 2019 Portland Housing Market Update

Q1 2019 Portland Housing Market Update

The Portland housing market is changing, and things are continuing to slow down from where they’ve been for the past seven years or so.

Q4 Market Update

Q4, 2018: A Welcome Return to Normal

The Portland housing market is seeing a return to more normal conditions, something we haven’t seen in quite some time.

Q3, 2018: The Market is Slowing Down

The Portland housing market is starting to shift, which is going to be welcome news for buyers. It might get a little bit easier to buy a home around here.

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