Category: Buyer

What’s Included in a Home Purchase?

Excited about buying your new home? Before you start thinking about all of the new things you're going to buy for it, let’s take a moment to understand what's already included in your purchase.

Top Eco-Friendly Features to Look For in Your Next Home

If you’re in the market for a new home, it’s crucial to understand the key features that make a home eco-friendly.

The Value of Home Warranties Featured Image

The Value of Home Warranties: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers

Whether you’re a buyer or seller, a home warranty is one powerful ally in your real estate journey. Discover how its value goes beyond giving you peace of mind and confidence. Read on!

9 Most Common Buyer Questions Answered

Buying a home is a major life event and it can be as overwhelming as it is exciting. There’s a lot to know—especially for first-time buyers. Thankfully, you won’t be alone in the process. Your real estate agent will be a valuable resource as you navigate the market and negotiate the sales price. That said, the more information you have about the process, the better prepared you’ll be.


Learn About Down Payment Assistance Programs in Oregon

If you need help making a home down payment and covering the closing costs on a mortgage, you’re in luck. Read this article on Oregon Down Payment Assistance Programs and see what’s available.

The Best Pool Properties in Portland

Summer’s on, and it’s getting warmer in the Portland area. If you’re looking for a home with a pool, here are some fantastic options—though, fair warning, many of them are pretty luxurious.

Q3 2019 Housing Market Update

Q3 2019 Housing Market Update

Word on the street is that it’s a good time to be a buyer here in Portland. It’s been a while since we last heard that!

Contract Contingencies Give You Peace of Mind When Buying a Home

If something goes wrong during the homebuying process, you need to have options! That’s what contract contingencies are—outs for you in case something goes wrong.

You (or Someone You Know) Can Buy a Home with These Down Payment Assistance Programs

Saving up the down payment for a home purchase is tough, but a down payment assistance program can make all the difference in your becoming a homeowner.

Q2 2019 Housing Market Update

Q2, 2019: Is the Slowdown Already Over?

Experts have been talking about Portland’s housing market slowdown for the past year, so what’s up with this sudden increase in sales?

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